If I am Rich, I Will be Pretty
One day after she got off work, she walked across the road without looking for oncoming cars, she put one step forward. Unexpectedly, she felt like someone pushed her back to the median. In that blink of an eye, a car ran passed right in front of her. Is there something or someone helped her?
Overview : 1. The Path of Sensual Indulgence
The path of sensual pleasure [kamasukhallikanuyogal, is to seek for pleasures through the channels of the five outer senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth and physical contact
โครงการสัมมนา Easy Tips for a Healthy Mind & body
ขอเรียนเชิญทุกท่านเข้าร่วมโครงการสัมมนา Easy Tips for a Healthy Mind & body วันที่ 8 – 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2562 ณ เขาใหญ่ อ.ปากช่อง จ.นครราชสีมา
Loved You Since the Previous Life
ฆhe started telling me that the 3rd sorcerer had appeared in her dreams. He told her that he would take care of me himself because I had been his wife in the past life. He had been seeking me for 100 years.
Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life
"Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life", said Pra Payungrit Palayutto. This monk was a singer and successful in his carreer before. Why did he say like this?
Good Bye, My Hometown
My employers liked to go to temples and they had very kind hearts.I had a chance to learn about the law of Karma and the truth of life because here DMC was on most of the day. Dhamma teachings were heard through the whole house including the morning and evening chanting and the Cetiya’s homage paying.
Making merit since the Earth Day
Donors who made merit since the Earth Day
The World No Tobacco Day
The importance of the World No Tobacco Day. How does the temple arrange this activity?
This is Mine! Don't Dare To Touch It!!
Anyone that doesn’t know how marriage brings pain, please listen to this! Her husband said she was a good person there was nothing wrong with her at all and he still loved her but he couldn’t explain why he loved another woman. What retribution caused this? How could she rectify this so that the retribution would not follow her to the next life? DMC has the answers.
Don’t Let the Liver Ache And Don’t Die
The story of a woman who did not have in financial difficulties but she had to work hard until she had bone membrane torn in her leg. She had an operation but it was still not as good as before and might need to change her knee. However, she still had to work as hard as before. Why her life happened like this? Is there any Kamar if she does an animal business for slaughtering purpose but she has never does slaughtering herself? Why someone never success in doing any business? What are the differences of Kamar from a son kills the parents and the parents kill the son? DMC has the answers.